can you be christian and not believe in jesus

But it's so popular it ranked among the top pages viewed: 2022 All Rights Reserved. I do accept him as my savior. He lives, He forgives sins and He gives eternal life to all who come to Him in faith. What Did President Reagan Say About Racism, Marxism, and God? So, as we go our separate ways, me to eternal torment with Gandhi and Socrates; you to an eternity sitting in worship services with televangelists and ethical monsters who happened to believe in the literal resurrection, please go on and have a good time in heaven without me. Instead, we should desire to surrender to Godswill and let the HolySpirit work in and through us. The Holy Spirit is the help mate from God given by him to help guide the Apostles, a breath of knowledge for them. A new article is published about every 8 to 10 days, but we only send out our Newsletter about twice a month to notify everyone of the newest items posted. We've forgotten that. But your opinion may change several times over the course of your journey. I don't believe it's necessary to believe that the Bible is the inerrant word of God in order to call oneself a Christian. JWs are wonderful and dedicated to following the Bible. But, if someone knows about the virgin birth and says, I deny the virgin birth, then he is simultaneously denying the deity of Christ, and also the Trinity. When John said the word was God he was not saying that Jesus was identical with God; he was saying that Jesus was so perfectly the same as God in mind, in heart, in being that in him we perfectly see what God is like. William Barclay, The Gospel of John, volume 1, page 39. A single verse does not explain an entire gospel. May you and your partner gain a fuller and deeper understanding of Gods love for humanity, as well as gain evidence supporting a coming renewed new world of peace. Catholicism is a form of paganism. Thank you for your comment and for sharing your opinion. Most people pray to God; some to Jesus, and a few to both. Did God become Jesus, or did God still occupy the heavenly realm, while Jesus was on earth? Can you give me advice on how to manage this if I really would pursue christianity with my partner together? And the Holy Spirit? When Elizabeth heard Marys greeting, the child (John the Baptist) least in her womb. The comment writer, Will, produced excellent research with no errors.). (John 13-17), Jesus Last Days Timeline: the Cross and the Resurrection, Palm SundayBlessed is the King -- A Palm Sunday videoHosanna -- Palm Sunday (Jesus Wept) (video)Walking with Jesus Tested by the Chief Priests and Elders. It is evident that you have not only given this idea much attention, but studied the scripture as well as newer scientific knowledge, too. Christians can believe in reincarnation if they choose to do so. I believe too many Christians believe that judgement is how to get people to see Christianity, when all it does is make people feel unloved and discriminated against. Gods Word is very clear on this. I look forward to being corrected, if necessary. Phil Newton. This was done to solve a theological debate, and rejected by the Oriental Orthodox. Belief in the risen Lord Jesus Christ is required for salvation (Romans 10:9). For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. That's not saving faith, even though it involves a measure of belief. First of all, Jesus is presented as a historical figure by reputable people in both secular and sacred historical . Christian is defined as a person who has received Christian baptism or is a believer in Jesus Christ and his teachings. Register. I am the way, the truth, and the life. I asked, if the virgin birth and resurrection were essential to Christianity, why the earliest versions of Marks gospel had neither. We dont want anyone to go to hell. If you ask me to explain my situation, the more I talk, the higher my voice will go, and the more it will choke and crack. "Overall, US adults appear to have a superficial attachment to well-known Christian beliefs . Our newsletter is a short email sent to notify subscribers about new information that has been posted to the OBS site. I don't think John is telling us to live by the law (Old Covenant) which has no jurisdiction over the Christian or 1 Tim 1:9 is a lie. This book will bless and encourage you, give you hope, and help you live in the joy of your salvation and the riches of Christ that are yours. Log In I believe this interpectoral Doctrine comes from the early Priests (1000s years ago ) not wanting to loose credibility over a doctrine that is difficult to explain and defend. They are not honoring the Father, because they do not honor the Son. God incarnate. The dinosaurs were actually gentle and friendly. If under the age of 13, or the age of majority in your country, you may use this website only with the consent of a parent or guardian. Thanks for sharing your feelings. Answer. I am open and henceforth we went and joined friends at the local church group. 1:16). The trinity does not matter, that is if you do not have that additional knowledge that it is not something the Apostles practiced let alone even knew of. Even when He was not ready to go down the road of Calvary, he received strength through the Holy Spirit. If you believe all the above you will get to be with God in heaven. (iii) Finally John says that the word was God. This is so helpful! It's enough to believe that all people made in God's image. I appreciate your comment and glad it gives you something to think about. I feel that the big picture is if, you believe Jesus is your Lord and Savior, that is the main thing. "What must I do to be saved?" In each case, someone attempts to provide a barrier to further conversation about the gospel and its effects upon the . Theyre simply myths, they claim. No. First, I want to thank you for visiting this website and taking the time to share your thoughts. That does not mean, however, that everyone in heaven had an explicit faith in Jesus before arriving there or was even baptized. The Bible is the History of the Christian Religion and also whom God is through His Son, Jesus Christ, for if You know the Son, you will know the nature of His Father, God. This unfortunately also means I wont be going to heaven with many of you. OBS respects your privacy and is compliant with the European Union GDPR regulation. But the truth is, Christians are not only followers of God, but believers in the Bible. But not the way many believe we should. They dont believe that he was the Son of God, however. He taught that these principles were: the One, the Intellect, and the Soul. Click here to read. We can see, therefore, that although the Trinity is characteristic of the Christian religion, it is by no means peculiar to it. Not the other way round. Many people have communicated the same reactions to Jehovahs Witnesses on the issue of shunning. Please support Reasons for Hope* Jesuswith a donation of $5, $10, $20, or more. Paul also taught that saving grace came through believing in both the Person of the Lord Jesus Christ and His works (His life, death, burial, and resurrection). This man seems to think we need to be loving and kind like Jesus to be saved from Gods wrath. Jesus said, you shall be perfect, just as your Father in heaven is perfect (Mat 5:48). Hello, Thank you for your writ. my prediction . There is no perfect church. 1. Were you there when they crucified my Lord? I think he's talking about not living a lifestyle of sin. None of them believe that Jesus was a literal vine, or that his disciples were branches, even though Jesus referred to them that way. The Pain of Betrayal. In one study, 32% of atheists said they grew up in a home with parents who didn't believe in God. At 19, I am still figuring out my relationship with God. Historical and archeological evidence offers proof that Jesus of Nazareth lived in the first century BC. Can a Christian believe that Jesus is not God? I do not believe it is my job to convert anyone to Christianity. The Romain Catholic Church is a religion . The completed registration allows us to send order and donation receipts to the email address you provided. Because of Him, I start to find the truth and it reveals everything. they wouldn't believe in His miracles either. "You ask me if the God of the Christians forgives those who don't believe and who don't seek the faith," Francis wrote. But by not following this specific text, you can't be considered a Christian.</p> And what does "flaming" mean? Every act of God in the realm of molecules is by His creative word (Divine authoritative Will) is the work of the Word God involved in physical things. The bible is not a text that aims to convince people. Top Christian Blogs, Quality Content Authenticity Uniqueness Reliability Trustworthy Ease of Use Data Security. We are committed to writing about what God wants you to know not what some churches only want you to hear. I am still figuring out what to label myself when it comes down to my beliefs and where I stand with religion. John did not say that the word was ho theos; that would have been to say that the word was identical with God. The key to Christianity is the Sermon on the Mount in the gospel of Matthew, chapters 5-7. Many believe it is a sin to be gay, or transgender. After making sure of all things, and holding fast to what is fine, and through fervent prayer I walked away from my familys generations spanning some 200 years plus, of practicing Christian Orthodoxy. I am happy you found this website and I appreciate that you felt comfortable in sharing you experience. Because of this, my burden is heavier than most as I am of a Scattered Brethren not ascribing to any certain church of Christendom. I agree that Jesus will be returning sooner, than later. The issue for those who do not believe in God is to obey their conscience." Question: A Mormon asked me this question a number of years ago, and through the years here at church, Ive asked a number of people this question, and I wanted to get your opinion. Erosions of biblical truth grew like a cancer, slow but sure. Yes, and thank you for taking the time to comment. But God has a son named Jesus who asked God to abuse him instead. While 80% of all Americans surveyed in the 2018 study said they believe in God, only 56% said the God they believe in is the one "as described in the Bible." Salvation will change this mans life and the lives of all who listen to him preach and teach. We should live in the light of Jesus and share His love with others. The fact is that God said we must pray, he taught us how to pray, and he explained why we must pray. Enter your email address and we will send you instructions on how to reset your password. Reply to discussions and create your own threads. Eisegesis is the interpretation of a passage based on a subjective, non-analytical reading. Paul was clear in his teachings that if Jesus had not risen from the grave our faith would be meaningless (1 Corinthians 15:14). The doctrine itself was first introduced by Tertullian at the end of the 2nd century. I AM created the physical universe, I AM became a human baby, I AM rose from the dead. I believe that He would want all of us to love one another. When you subscribe to our newsletter, well send you. I get several private emails and letters on this subject and here are a few related articles I suggest. but I know people of the Jewish faith believe Jesus was not the savior, also. You see, God loves us very much, but mindless obedience is VERY important to God, So God decided to barbecue us eternally for the mistakes of our ancestors. Please respond to confirm your registration. How to Close Your Eyes and Really SEEJesus! "Well, you don't have to attend church to be a Christian." "Attending church doesn't make you a Christian!" "I don't need the church; I worship God in my own way.". Our mission is to glorify God by equipping, encouraging, and empoweringYOU to understand the Bibleandgrow in faith. I enjoy this website. I do feel better knowing some others feel the same as me. The Jews had envisioned Jesus to be a mighty warrior who was going to sweep in and destroy their dreaded enemiesthe Romans. That faith is believing in the Person and works of the Lord Jesus Christbelieving that He is God and that He came to earth and lived, died, was buried, and rose from the dead to conquer sin and death and give eternal life. The idea of the Holy Spirit being part of a Godhead was not in the minds of the earliest Church members and it developed slowly, largely in response to controversies over the relation of Jesus Christ to God the Father.11 The place and character which the Holy Spirit now possesses in Christianity can be credited to ideas established long after the death of Jesus Christ. The same question sometimes arises about the virgin birth. And an even greater number believe in God, and believe Jesus lived, was crucified, came back to life, etc., but have not placed their trust in Him for the forgiveness of their sin, so they call themselves Christians, go to church on Sunday, devoutly practice all the rituals, and yet, will hear Jesus say, "Then I will tell them plainly, 'I never . . Yet, we seem to have considerable confusion about what this actually means. So, would that apply also to spiritual things? Ligonier wanted to know what Americans "believe about God, salvation, ethics, and the Bible.". His words here reveal that he does not have saving faith. Ive heard it too many times and thats why Im all done with Christianity. Unless otherwise noted, scripture quotations are from the, The Dispute of Arius with Alexander, his Bishop,, Hermann, Ray, Sun Worship, Sex in the Bible, and Church Steeples: A Brief History of Pagan Rituals and Traditions Carried into the Christian Church, (, Hermann, Ray, What do you mean, Christ died for our sins? (, Hermann, Ray, John 1:1 Does this Bible verse prove Jesus is God? (. I tried to make sense of it. The most knowledgeable Christian I knew, didnt go to church, but learned and studied at home. Much more than once, I have been told that I cant be a real Christian unless I accept this fact of the Trinity. James 2:19 says, "You believe that there is one God. You see, the earth was once a paradise. Thanks for sharing your opinion. That may be a mediocre example, but you get the idea. While many people now regard Jesus as the founder of Christianity, it is important to note that he did not intend to establish a new religion, at least according to the earliest sources, and he never used the term "Christian." But the most precious gift awaiting you both is the possibility of an eternal life. He was, as were all Jews, a believer in One God. Jesus is the Truth, the Life and the Way, if you do not know Jesus through the Bible, then you don't know the true God of the Universe. I don't know where/how to worship. Yes some of the innocuous stories were. Look for a in your area. Giving mental assent that Jesus is real has no power to save, even the demons believe. The current view of Christianity and Christians from people outside the religion is not one that is positive. The Trinity is definitely not biblical truth and is completely a man-made concept. (Article and Video)This Time Called Lent(Video)Prepare for Lent(Video)Lent Reflections (Video)How Should You Observe Lent? (video)Ways to Glorify God - Bookmark, Read: Is Leonard Cohens Hallelujah a Christian Song?*******. But he was not the one who manually constructed them; he designed and others built by his plans. 2. This is not a Got Questions? The concerns you have are common, as not all Christians believe in the Trinity theory, although most do. All content on this site is copyrighted. Reason #1 - The Messiah must be from the Tribe of Judah and a Descendant of King David AND King Solomon - Jesus did not qualify. He sees that Jesus is the true king and joins his kingdom, he joins a group of people - those ruled by Jesus the king. I often times settled the debate by reminding them that, it doesnt matter that you think if I dont believe the trinity I wont be saved Because, I believe in Jesus Christ, He saved me, I am Saved! I am not a JW, but I believe they teach much truth. How did the walls of Jericho come tumbling down? Ultimately, the victory is ours but there are still battles to fight until we Jesus comes again. When Jesus was conceived God begat a Son, a human being, the very first born human son of God in all creation. John 1:14-17 helps to clarify John 1:1. Ive been debating the Pentecostal nonsense about the supposed mystical Rapture for decades Theres just to much to add So Ill move on. Over the years I searched for a religion that did not teach the trinity, in vane. Except HIM. And to deny the Incarnation is to wrongly understand the true gospel. ReactionaryCalvinist 20 days ago. Premarital Sexual Activity & the Bible: How Far Can You Go? Please contact the publisher to obtain copies of this resource. The groups that are Non-trinitarian ALL have some kind of outlandish beliefs. Also you cant enter heaven. There is one God and one mediator, the man Jesus Messiah..if they both were God and co equal, Jesus couldnt be the mediator between us and God . We do not send any commercial advertising, and you can easily unsubscribe at any time. Thanks for sharing your opinion. All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work. I am confident that the people who regularly read the Got Questions? Another thought that is brought up is If Jesus is not God, how do you explain John 1:1? Sola Scriptura Scripture Alone! For I delivered to you first of all that which I also received: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, and that He was buried, and that He rose again the third day according to the Scriptures, and that He was seen by [many]. No trinity. Second, you couldnt possibly understand who Christ isthat He is God in human flesh. We are saved by grace, through faith in Christ alone, according to the Scriptures. Ive been a Christian minister, counselor, teacher, researcher, and writer, but sometimes people still tell me Im not a Christian for questioning this doctrine. I believe He was our Savior, I believe He died on the cross for everyone's sins. Nothing New Under the Sun Since the fall of man, there have been people who do not believe God's words. byJ.C. Ryle,1816-1900, The Road from Knowing About God to Knowing God is Paved in Suffering, Each New Morn, New Widows Howl, New Orphans Cry, New Sorrows Strike Heaven Upon the Face, Glorify the Lord in the Fires of Affliction, by James Smith (1802-1862). Even the demons believe thatand shudder." So, if a person simply believes that there is a God in heavenand that's the extent of his faiththen he has exactly the same faith as the demons of hell. Is Leonard Cohens Hallelujah a Christian Song? Stopped Believing in Religious Teachings. I do believe our salvation is not based on whether or not I believe in the trinity. Id been an infant in christ for so long, my friends have challenged me and continue to challenge me, yet I am unmoved! The English word spirit can mean a wide variety of things. Thank you for your response. I also believe that God and Jesus are two individual entities. Jesus in His earthly ministry did all that He did by the power of the Holy Spirit. Ill be fine. NO, he will not be fine. He died for All of us .Find a Church that only lift up Jesus and is word be Born again . I asked my accusers if they would also follow Hitler if he were to rise from the dead. When we do meet a like-minded believer or two, a private and casual meeting on a regular basis in the home is quite appropriate. Even though a Jew undergoes the rites of admission to another religious faith and formally renounces . We continue to reach people worldwide with the truths of God's Word and the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. Such a person betrays the fact that they do not understand the gospel, and therefore cannot have truly been saved. I am happy that you derived some personal peace from this article and I pray that you can use the studies you had with JWs to advance your relationship with God and his son. An Orthodox Jew, if he follows his own theologians, believes that if his good works outweigh his bad works, he will have a blessed eternity. I did not know so many religions has Trinity too. Was Queen Elizabeth a Christian? Like you, I believe Almighty God is one entity. Accordingly, we have updated our Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions in order to comply with GDPR. He lived and was put to death by the hands of the Jewish chief. . At the same time, though, it is only through the Bible that we learn about Jesus Christ and His death and resurrection on our behalf ( 2 . Is She Now in Heaven? Even Bart Ehrman, a renowned biblical scholar and self-described atheist, stipulates to the existence of Jesus. You must make up your own mind, for that is what God expects of you, but it really doesnt matter, one way or the other, in order to be saved by Jesus sacrifice. I believe the way I want to believe, and that is my business, and my business alone. Now, the first thing many will say about not believing in the Trinity is that one can't be a Christian if you do not believe in it, but when asked, they can't show where in the Bible that claim is made. While we know all these things, it is important we continually remember and refresh our minds with these truthslest we be deceived and believea lie. Nearly a decade later, a Pew survey found that even among the most traditional Christian groups, significant minorities have been rejecting God as described in the Bible. The most common answer, found in the non-Christian religions, is that the solution is to do better. Do these two reasons nail it?Why do we call it good [Friday]?Were you there when they crucified my Lord?How is Jesus Like a Worm? Can you be a Christian, believe in God but not the Bible. Oct 24, 2012 at 15:53 7 By the way, the existence of forms of Christianity that would deny this claim does not negate the fact that more than 98% of Christianity, not to mention the Bible and Jesus himself, attest to this fact. Jesus the Word made flesh. How we answer this question will determine how the Bible should be. There is a disconnect with The Organization they follow. A Room with a View of EternityThe Last Will & Testament of Jesus Christ, Have You Sat At The Masters Table? Yet in actuality, I hadnt moved on, at least not really. He was also not a Unitarian. Although the ecumenical councils finally settled on a Trinity doctrine, Arianism was still popular, and continued in many countries and regions for hundreds of years, as well as with some still today. Reasons for Hope* Jesus, Yes, send me answers to interesting and challenging questions about Jesus and the Bible. We know that Jesus rose from the dead because we have a relationship with the Living Christ. Thank you for reading this article and I pray you will learn much in your continued search for Bible truth. Why on the 8th day? Despite the fact that John 10:30 suggests equality between God and Jesus, and although there are a few other New Testament texts where God, Jesus, and the Spirit are referred to in the same passage (e.g., Jude 20-21), it is important to avoid reading the Trinity into places where it does not appear.12. But in reality, even the most loyal biblical literalists fail to believe the Bible literally. Christians should not believe in karma because the sum of people's works does not decide whether they are saved or not. I never believed in trinity but always afraid to tell people at church. Like Mary herself we are pondering these things in our hearts (Luke 2 v 19) We are a soul a God breathed human pneuma living in a human physical body. Im going to share with you a recent Facebook post from a minister who denies the resurrection. Again, my accuser would not be sullied by giving a response. I tell people that if they are uncomfortable with going to a church service, then dont go. In a similar, but very modern thought, Frank Lloyd Wright,7 the famous American architect, is credited with construction of more than 500 homes and commercial buildings, most of which still stand today. I am in a somehow complicated situation and would really appreciate advice To share, I am currently following Islam but my partner has difficulties to accept and follow that particular belief and hence she proposed why not look into christianity together. We dont try to live like Jesusto please God. The minister closed his Facebook post with, Dont give me a thought. Christian Chat is a moderated online Christian community allowing Christians around the world to fellowship with each other in real time chat via webcam, voice, and text, with the Christian Chat app.You can also start or participate in a Bible-based discussion here in the Christian Chat Forums, where members can also share with each other their own videos, pictures, or favorite Christian music. Im getting out of this debacle of a religion. Christian deism is a standpoint in the philosophy of religion stemming from Christianity and Deism.It refers to Deists who believe in the moral teachingsbut not the divinityof Jesus.Corbett and Corbett (1999) cite John Adams and Thomas Jefferson as exemplars.. So where do I worship, where are those who believe as I. I need to learn so much more. (Our minds are the souls interface between our spirit and our life on earth). First, we must ask ourselves if the Bible indeed God's Word. No-one comes to the Father except through me." In Acts 4:12 Peter proclaims, "Salvation is found in no-one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among mortals by which we must be saved." For Paul, the faithful will enjoy eternal life, but those who don't . It is something to think about. I used to think that among those, there must be one that is right and I used to search for it. I hope and pray you will continue in learning about Christianity.

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