importance of forest ecosystem essay

Essay Sample. A model for restoration, degradation and costs (adapted from Stanturf et al. Essay on Forest: Forests are rightly called as the lungs of the earth. From a tourists perspective, these values may be high on their decision making priorities, which would indicate protection of these services are important for ecotourism. Specifically pH effect performance of pesticides, influence solubility of nutrients and organic matter decomposition. We are blessed to have provided with such a valuable asset. A forest is a large area covered with trees and plants. Perspectives 5. However, they also contain products that are necessary to the viability of rural agricultural communities. Natural forests which occur naturally help in reducing soil erosion, protect biodiversity, fight greenhouse gas emissions, and provide employment to many. Ans. The only way to save Earth from these deadly crises is to plant more trees. In addition, 750 million people live in forests, including 60 million indigenous people.Yet, we are losing them. Forests help in maintaining the earth's temperature by providing fresh air, oxygen and taking harmful gases like carbon dioxide away. Amazon forest is a rain forest, well-known for its outstanding fauna and flora. Mark began his education at Isidore Newman School in New Orleans, worked at Harvard Universitys Museum of Comparative Zoology. This will lead to imbalance in the climate which will result in natural calamities. People get their everyday items from trees. Previous Year Papers. January 2, 2021by Karan Essay on Importance of Forest:Forests are natural resources with a variety of plant and tree varieties. Moreover, compared to small ecosystems like grasslands and wetlands, it is more stable and . Man has totally changed to a greedy one, without worrying about the future or nature. Forests are the habitat of thousands of plants and animals. The fertile soil is being depleted due to it and eventually plants and animals will die. Many forests are being cut down for houses to be built because of overpopulation. Warm temperatures and sufficient rainfall are characteristics of forests, resulting in the formation of numerous ponds, lakes, etc. The effects of deforestation are as follows: Deforestation leads to the increase in greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide and methane into the atmosphere. She loves traveling and explores her creative ideas in her writings. They prevent global warming. 500+ Words Essay on Importance of Forest Forests provide the house for many living beings. Sustainable Forest Management So coming to our definition forest is a wide area of land with different types of trees, herbs shrubs and bushes. Works Cited biotic and . I decided to do this way: I write a paper and your editor helps me format it correctly. The term forest refers to vast areas of land covered with thick vegetation, trees and animals dwelling within. The tribals have become part and parcel of the forests. We should take a step forward in conserving our forest resources. Along with trees, there are various types of shrubs, herbs, creepers, grass, climbers are found in forests. Forests are a precious resource given to us by nature. Helps in reduction of water during floods. So we can say along with providing up with the habitat, forests help in earning livelihood too. The Essay On Importance Of Forest In Ecosystem Ppt book receives its highest praise from college students, proving it is a great resource for students to use efek dehidrasi pada bayi to improve their essay writing skills. The reasons behind this evil are logging by small landholders to extend the agricultural land, to turn the forests into pasture grounds and allow animal farming, logging for timber and other benefits of wood, large scale extension activities for agricultural land, developmental activities like building dams and large scale projects. This is one of the main pollutants of air pollution. The International Day of Forest is celebrated every year on the 21st of March. In addition, non-timber products like rubber, cotton, medicinal products, and food represent significant economic value. It has 5000 species of wood, and 450 varieties have high commercial value. Ankita has completed her master's degree from Banaras Hindu University (BHU). 6. The ecosystem is the outcome of two components viz. Without the richness of soil, life on earth would be impossible. For more such essays and quality content download the Testbook App. Get your custom essay. This more general set of services highlights ideas of aesthetics and beauty as components of services of forests. Without trees, the amount of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere will increase. The entire ecosystem begins to fall apart, with dire consequences . 8. Essay On Cable Tv-boon Or Bane . It helps in regulating the global climate and maintains the atmospheric composition. 6 Pages. Between 1990 and 2020, the world lost some 178 million hectares of forest, an area the size of Libya. Silence empowers us to think things through and come up with solutions because it is only in silence we can listen well. 1. The total forest and plant cover of the country is 78.92 million hectare, which is 24 percent of the geographical area of the country. Wood from forest trees provide us with lumber used for building houses and for making furniture and decorative items. This is how the forest regulates the water cycle. There are about 20 families of plants that have individuals in mangrove area and they share several specialized features that enable [], Soil pH and organic matter effect functions and nutrients of the soil. Importance 8. A forest is a large area covered with trees and plants. 9) Competition is important in every field for growth. Once the crisis of deforestation has passed, humankind will enjoy a finer existence, and will look forward to a bright future. Forests are an important feature provided to mankind by our mother nature. Paper, cellophane, wood-plastic composites and fibers come from processing wood. Forests help in maintaining the temperature and oxygen level of the atmosphere. The constituents of forests which are trees and plants form a major part of the forests. It is impossible for life to sustain without oxygen, so forests are indeed a source of life on Earth. Ans. us with the need to save our forests. So, the importance of forests are enlisted below: Forests are sole providers of various benefits to mankind. Essay # 2. We will occasionally send you account related emails. The importance of tropical rainforest: Regulating climate features: Rainforest will absorb carbon dioxide and produce oxygen, oxygen on Earth by 40% of the total, are transmitted through the tropical rainforest in the Amazon area. What is deforestation and what are the ill effects of it? 3) Competition inspires students to work hard. Patil Amruta. They provide fodder to millions of animals and livestock. The roots of the trees penetrate deep into the soil. Thus the number of trees is being cut down on a daily basis. Therefore, the loss of these resources undermines the viability of agricultural practices in the developing world (Sousson, Shrestha and Uprety 1995). The forest supports many wild animals and protects biodiversity. Ans. Forest ecosystem comprises diverse flora and fauna. Other forests exist in large acreage in other parts of the globe. Ecosystem diversity is often evaluated through measures of the diversity of the constituent species, the relative abundance of different species . Organic farming helps to conserve resources not only in the humid tropics, but also in the arid tropics: soils in the arid tropics vary widely according to the climatic and geological conditions. This, in turn, will allow devising proper management strategies to continue satisfying human needs, especially in this era of global environmental change. 5. Thus, it is one of the precious resources provided by nature to human beings. Forests help in managing the climate over a region as it actively helps in processing of the water cycle. The importance of forest and trees to rainfall and water supply include: improvement . Actively starting campaigns and making people aware of the scenario. Forest provides the most conducive environmental conditions, food and shelter to various kinds of animals, birds, insects and other microorganisms. It gives employment to many people who are involved in agriculture and harvesting. To understand the nutrient availability and growing conditions for normal growth of specific crops its [], We provide you with original essay samples, perfect formatting and styling. Agarwal C., Green G. M., Grover J. M., Evans T. P., Schweik C. M. (2002) A Review and Assessment of Land-Use Change Models: Dynamics of Space, Time and Human Choice United States Department of Agriculture, General Technical Report NE-297 21 reasons why forests are so important : They help us to breathe Forests emit the oxygen we need to absorb and absorb the carbon dioxidewe breathe (or exhale). In our planet, there are many forests that sustain life and nurtures it. 1284 Words. This is because forests in almost every continent cover large swaths of lands. One way our body keeps us putting in the effort to maintain water balance is through thirst and salt cravings. Trees take carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere through photosynthesis and release oxygen into the air. Additionally, forests are also increasingly important because of their benefits to life and earth's existence as they boasts of different abilities such as that of rain-making. This cutting down of forests is called deforestation and it is causing damage to the natural habitat of animals. When we do that, you can witness nature doing its magic. 3. McGraw-Hill Create. Today with millions of organisms present on earth, the need for forests is really important. This is because there are direct links between traits and the functioning of organisms. Over 1 billion people live in and around forests, depending on them for fuel, food, medicines and building materials. It doesn't mean that we need to create new forests in our locality. It also soothes the extremes of climate by reducing the heat in the summers and the cold in winters. 4) It also helps to generate confidence and potential. They also provide other minor forest produce like timber, wood pulp, drugs, herbs and medicinal plants which forms the base for bigger economic activity. It may be evergreen, deciduous, partly evergreen, dry, and tropical. 1) Competition is a good way of analyzing students. Climate change, increased Greenhouse Gasses, global warming, soil erosion, desertification are some of the harmful effects of deforestation. The 60,000 years old underwater forest is located in the Alabama State of USA. Latest Environmental Afflictions and the Significance 9. Many animals need forests to live and survive. It is estimated that two to 10 people can receive oxygenfrom a mature, leafy tree anywhere. Life in Forrest is run by various factors like air, water, and sunlight. 3) Competition inspires students to work hard. 1.2.1 Purpose of Protected Area Forests are the lungs of the planet that keep environment clean and fresh. Reducing the dependency on fossil fuels and wood by choosing some alternative. In Addition protected areas provide immeasurable benefits by preserving and maintaining global ecosystem services that regulate the planet, and preserve natural resources for generations to come. Silence is the key that has the potential to open doors. So many forests were recreated by enhancing just the top soil. on the earth, covering about 30% of land area and supporting majority of living beings in some way or the other including fauna, Achieving SFM successfully will provide integrated benefits to all, ranging from safe-guarding local livelihoods to protecting the biodiversity and ecosystems provided by forests, reducing rural, In addition it is expected that there is need for greater communication between private landowners, conservation scientists, land managers, policy makers and local communities (Mller & Opgenoorth, 2014). Book Review: Tales of a Shamans Apprentice Essay, What can you do in the Amazon rainforest Essay, Measures To Protect Forests From Global Deforestation Essay, An Analysis of the Impact of Decreasing Trees in the Amazon Rain Forest Essay, Water Balance Importance in the Body Essay, Soil pH and Organic Matter: Changing Soil pH Essay. This act was amended to remove bamboo from the tree category in 2017. Fungi play a number of important ecological roles in forests and contribute to the health and stability of the forest ecosystems. Of On Essay In Pdf Forest Importance Ecosystem. Deforestation leads to reduced humidity hence the transpiration from the trees also decreases. Forest has been the basis of existence of biotic components in the ecosystem. The product functions of forests in India are lesser than the protective functions. It will give sustainability and fulfil our need without compromising the needs of our future generations. Ecosystem diversity is the array of biological community that interacts with one another and with their physical and chemical (nonliving) environments. What do you understand by the term forest? Therefore, forest destruction undermines the capacities of these people to survive economically, culturally and spiritually. Forests create a healthy environment for many plants and animals and that keeps the food chain balanced. Forests are one of the major natural resources of a country. The wildlife protection act. When we take away the forest, it is not just the trees that go. Since it provides us with different services and on the other hand we are benefitted too, then why are we forgetting our role in the protection of forests? The humus formed from the dead and decay of insects and microorganisms when added to the soil, increases the fertility of the soil. There are many aspects which provide Scenic and landscape values also may be important for residents. It also ensures to supply the entire oxygen to all life on Earth. It provides livelihood to many tribals, shelter to animals and plants and also lots of oxygen . . They also include abiotic factors of the environment like temperature, wind, topography, water and rocks. The determined value was then subtracted from the initial value of Keystone Light Box Quotes Essay aspirin added. This leads to an imbalance in a natural cycle. por | Feb 26, 2022 | Uncategorized | 0 Comentarios. Importance of Forest Conservation. The forest maintains climate and rainfall. 5) Competitions determine your capability. Some of the points showing how forests are important to us in our life are enlisted below: Forest is the resource which is of very much importance to human beings. Protect us from natural disasters Forests also keep us safe by defending against natural hazards. Importance of Forests - Environment Notes. The forest area which is important for timber production point of view, wildlife management may be less important. The Ecosystem of the forest is very large and complex; therefore, it has a great species diversity. Due to the harsh climate that the animals are exposed to, the ecosystems in the north and south poles do not have as much flora and fauna as those in a tropical environment like a forest. We can write you a custom essay that will follow your exact instructions and meet the deadlines. It not only acts as a shelter but also helps the atmosphere to be rich with oxygen. Conserving forests is very beneficial to humans. Sustainable forest management (SFM) is the management of forests according to sustainable development principles. 1972 made lists of scheduled plants and animals and described the economic activity allowed with respect to each of them and the status of protection. A man along with nature is a beautiful creation of this nature. This article is primarily for students from class 4 to 8 with an age group 7 to 16. Improving forest cover in simple terms means to increase the forest lands. It provides livelihood to many tribals, shelter to animals and plants and also lots of oxygen to human beings and animals. "The total assemblage of components interacting with a group of organisms is known as ecological system or more simply, an ecosystem. It includes various living organisms such as trees, shrubs, plants, microorganisms, wild animals and birds. They provide fruits, vegetables to animals and human beings. Soil is being fertile only because of the existence of forests. The forest ecosystem remains among the most prominent ecosystems in the global environment. This exchange of gases maintains the balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere inside the forest. Forests are of many types depending upon the climatic conditions and types of trees it constitutes of. Students who find writing to be a difficult task. The structure of a mangrove forest at any one point in time will be a function of its stage in succession, the species present, zonation, growth and primary productivity, mortality and survival, propagule dispersal, establishment and survival as well as seedling and sapling growth and survival. Helps in managing climate, soil erosion, and controlling noise pollution. Thus playing a major role in the reduction in levels of global warming effects. These products include fuel and fodder, game, fruits, building materials, medicines and herbs (Sousson, Shrestha and Uprety 1995). Forests play a significant role in the water cycle and maintain oxygen cycle too. Get an expert to write you the one you need! According to Sousson, Shrestha and Uprety (1995), these include (c.f., World Bank 1997): Clearly, forests form the basis of a variety of industries including timber, processed wood and paper, rubber, and fruits. This is the practice of converting empty lands into forests by man-made processes. For example, the Vedas and Upanishads, the oldest known religious, philosophical . they help clean H2O and dirt of pollutants. They are important as they are responsible for the pollination and dispersion mechanisms. Television Kills Creativity Argumentative Essay . Many living organisms consider the forest their habitat. Sometimes, certain factors are inhibitory to the growth of the plant, while others are extremely beneficial. Forests are the best gift of nature provided to mankind. Their use in fuel, timber and industrial raw material cannot be undermined. Forests are home to millions of people world-wide, and many of these people are dependent on the forests for their survival (Sousson, Shrestha and Uprety 1995). Forests are the reason why the Earth still sustains life. Through taking and recording this information we can use it to communicate the importance of preserving our ecosystems in todays society. It is a very harmful environmental concern that affects biodiversity, damages natural habitat, disturbs the water cycle and many climatic changes occur due to deforestation. Forests are the reason why the Earth still sustains life. A forest is an important part of our ecosystem that needs to be protected. In recent years, additional efforts have been focused on assessing quality of governance of countries and organizations, as these elements are seen as critical to ensure sustainable forest management, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and reduce illegal activity. Cultural diversity: The diversity of ecosystems is one factor influencing the diversity of cultures. Understand the Concept of Language and Intelligence as Related to Human Beings Psychology, the . Forest provides medicinal products, gum, latex, hone, wax, oil, spices, bones as valuable sources for many products. Enhance environmental quality and the natural resource base upon which the agricultural economy depends. Forest is a rich source of oxygen and so the air inside the forest is always pure and clean. Forests are part of the gifts that nature provides free of . Studies suggest that if one can add 0.9 billion hectares of the canopy, historical greenhouse gas emissions can be reduced 2/3 rd times. They also include abiotic factors of the environment [] An ecosystem is a community of living and non-living things that work together. They are helping in charging of water aquifers. Hence, trees play a variety of important roles from ecosystems to environmental cleansers. Forest has been the basis of existence of biotic components in the ecosystem. Oxygen on Earth is produced only by forests. For instance, herbivorous animals depend on plants and carnivorous animals depend on herbivores for their food, thus forming a big chain of food. We use cookies to personalyze your web-site experience. 2007). Trees are vital in soil growth process, and they can be subject on the other hand by large vegetation. Long and Short Essays on Importance of Trees for Students and Kids in English If you want to live in forests, you should know how the light, air and sunlight affects the forests. It also helps in temperature regulation. Essay # 5. The clearing of forest lands for industrial and agricultural purposes is known as deforestation. In life, it is critical to be able to access what factors allow for the success of a plant. Forests are the natural resources that shield the Earth from extinction. Why is forest a resource? Forests are a precious resource given to us by nature. Discovering and understanding the association of biotic and abiotic components . Moreover, it is the natural medicine for the atmosphere and ozone especially. Let's fix your grades together! Our professional writers can rewrite it and get you a unique paper. Janine McBurnie. That is why there has been a growing interest in describing the distribution of traits in plant communities and the underlying processes responsible of these distributional patterns such as environmental filtering or niche differentiation (Kraft et al., 2008; Baraloto et al., 2012; Violle et al., Similarly, intra-specific trait variation is believed to play an important role in a broad range of ecological processes and properties including resistance to disturbances, competition, coexistence or productivity (Hughes and Stachowicz, 2004; Fridley et al. Fungi . 1 Forest Essay For Kids. We obtain a variety of timber products from our forests. Knudston and Suzuki (1992) have explored the protective function of culture within a comparative perspective. This act of human beings which is totally focused on development purposes is leading to the destruction and degradation of the forest land. Some of these alterations begin first with a change . Forests are nature's assets and it holds a huge amount of land on earth. Rural people also grow crops on temporary plots within the forest, often on a rotational basis. They are a crucial part of the ecosystem because they clean the air, cool it during the day, and act as excellent sound . Forest ecosystem comprises diverse flora and fauna. All rights reserved. Many local people understand how to conserve and use forest resources. It supplies humans with goods and services vital for living (CBD 2010) which are the basic needs such as food, fresh water . It is very important to develop forests on our Earth in order to live in a healthy ecosystem. And all of us use wood in our daily lives: in fact, global demand for timber products is expected to more than triple over the next three decades. 6) Competition helps you to prepare for the worst situation. They play an active role in changing of climate, by regulating the mechanism of the water cycle. Therefore it is our responsibility to help in the reduction of activities which are leading to a reduction in the forest land. According to the article, Deforestation by World Wildlife Fund, "Many of the world's most threatened and endangered animals live in forests, and 1.6 billion people rely on benefits forests offer, including food, fresh water, clothing, traditional medicine and shelter." rhythm foods and resist or adapt to the measure functional alteration. When the trees on the land are cut, the soil gradually erodes due to natural and other agents. It provides us with our basic entities; therefore it is continuously paying to us instead of gaining anything from us. The trees help to keep the environment clean, which benefits the plants and animals that live in the forest. Improving forest cover in simple terms means to increase the forest lands. Of course, local people 's livelihoods and even survival often depend on local and regional natural resources (e.g., Whittingham et al, 2003; Fisher & IUCN, 2005). What is the importance of Mangrove forests? 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