types of brand imitation

Compare that with Taco Bell offering Pepsi products. Other studies using either student or more general samples have shown females to be more concerned about ethical issues and more likely than males to see ethical problems in a given situation (Beltramini, Peterson and Kozmetsky, 1984; Chonko and Hunt, 1985; Fritzche, 1988; Jones and Gautschi, 1988). A comparison of evaluations would be interesting, in order to find out whether an "ethics gap" exists among consumers, as well as between consumers and practitioners. (Colleen Collins-Dodd et al 1999) The possible solutions for brand imitation: The business press and other officials are trying to come up with reasonable solutions for brand imitation. Perhaps they feel that large businesses should "know better", that small firms lack the resources to develop totally different products, or that small firms need to practice cost-saving measures such as brand imitation in order to survive. The sample consisted of subjects drawn from the university campus, both students and non-students. (Colleen Collins-Dodd et al 1999) Brand imitation has a long history. Going back to our Taco Bell example, their branding features quirky commercials, bold color palettes on their food packaging and website and the cool, modern interiors of their restaurants (the renovated and newer ones, at leastthough lets take a minute to appreciate the retro version). For example, you might be a luxury furniture designer. According to a Chinese expert, half of the Chateau Lafite sold in China, a Bordeaux red wine that can trade up to 10,000 Euros a bottle, would be fake (La Tribune, 2014).The Swiss Clock Industry Federation indicates that about a million fake Swiss watches were seized and destroyed in 2013, causing an estimated loss of CHF 800 . Personal branding happens on social media and in face-to-face environments where others perception of you can have a massive impact on your professional and social reputationin a good or disastrous way. 19, Spring, pp. Based in the US, the average Trader Joes is smaller than other supermarkets, creating a more insulated, intimate feel. This imitation is playing with the branded companies and eating up their revenues. Wayne Hoyer, University of Texas at Austin, USA, Tamar Makov, Yale University, USA Vitell, S.J. The test was significant, t(79)=-7.34, p<.01, indicating that on average, the respondents felt that brand imitation was at least somewhat unethical. It is considered more difficult to develop a service brand other in a product brand because the offerings of service brands are intangible.Once developed it is very useful to avoid competition since it is very hard to develop and prove the brand in terms of pricing.. A lot of new online brands have been developed like . and Hunt, S.D., "Ethics and Marketing Management: An Empirical Examination", Journal of Business Research, Vol. Therefore " female" should not in the requirements of " help wanted 1 The members of the safety commission have to research continuously on safety measures and emerging health issues. These results are summarized in Table 3. Make sure to read our Rules and to remain civil when interacting with others. Consumers with tighter budgets may be more critical of what they feel are attempts to deceive them when they are shopping. Now the Japanese are using both the strategies. A Survey of Future Executives," Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. Products proliferate as all manufacturers attempt to snare their share of a hot market before it cools (Chonko and Hunt, 1985, p.347). A brand is basically a companys personality; branding is the steps a company takes to express that personality. In terms of occupation, the largest group consisted of those working in clerical, sales and service industries (41.3 percent). Personal branding tends to happen in places where peoplepublic figures or notinteract as individuals, like on social media platforms or at professional events. Product branding is easily noticeable when you go shopping in a supermarket filled with multiple products. Local Brand: When a brand is used for a local market, it is called local brand. Anywhere a brand is visible, branding happens. Our newsletter is only for the coolest kids. In addition, the multidimensionality of the scale can provide information as to why an action is felt to be unethical or ethical. org/wiki/Counterfeit), Knock-off is the similar product of the original company containing its logo, name and other attributes but not fabricated by the original company which have its own brand name. Imitators are catching up the other companies revenues from pass few years. Consumer items are also included for example: The CD of Microsoft windows are easily available in the pirated form on very cheap prices. On the other hand, if this benefits the majority of consumers by providing them with materially similar products for less money, the practice may be viewed as teleogically preferable (Bone and Corey, 1992, p.47). There are two main advantages to using a multi-item and multidimensional scale in measuring ethical judgments. . Every big company like Nike, Puma, Chanel, Estee lauder, Ford etc are facing these problems. Think about Starbucks line of city mugsyou can only get their New York City mug at a New York Starbucks and the mug itself has a unique design featuring the Brooklyn Bridge, the Empire State Building and an iconic yellow taxi. ADVERTISEMENTS: 1. A "knock-off" is a product bearing a trademarked name, logo, brand or other identity that is not manufactured or sold by the company that owns the trademark. (2001) Consumer evaluations of brand imitations. Digital customer service guidelines, for instance, often include using the same vocabulary as the brands in-store associates would. . wikipedia. 10 Types of Brand Strategies Personal Branding Corporate Branding Product Branding Service Branding Retail Branding Online Branding Offline Branding Co-Branding No-Brand Branding Cultural Branding 1. Product branding is a symbol or design that helps to identify a product easily. So many imitators are there in the market that no one can recognize them. When responses were analyzed by demographics, no differences were found across age categories (younger as well as older consumers had similar opinions), across education levels, or gender. What about merchandise your target audience would love? Trader Joes is one example of a store doing retail branding really well. As mentioned earlier, similar packaging may simplify the buying process for consumers. A second study used a more educated sample of equal gender and found ethical judgments mainly differed between men and women. Each brand pair consisted of a national brand and an imitator competitor. Data were gathered during three time periods: morning (10:00 a.m. to noon), afternoon (2:00 to 4:00 p.m.), and evening (6:00 to 8:00 p.m.). However, unlike the two just mentioned, vinyl is split up into three sub-categories (explained below). Kapferer and Thoenig (1992) found that similarity between brands is more likely to create confusion when attention and product involvement are low. (Alain dAstous 2001). Often consumers and businesses perceive actions taken in market transactions differently (Dornoff and Tankersley, 1975). Data were gathered during three time periods: morning (10:00 a.m. to noon), afternoon (2:00 to 4:00 p.m.), and evening (6:00 to 8:00 p.m.). The Americans also imitated the strategies process and business planning of Japanese firms. Most brand imitation in the marketplace occurs "in-category," and this is what trademark law has focused on . Many companies which use branding as their major key for marketing are facing the problem of imitators which makes them lose a possible high profit and potential customers who will prefer to buy the cheaper alternative even though it is just an imitation. Then they sell the product in the market and those products are available at cheap shops. Dimension two is a relativist construct in which actions are judged according to cultural acceptability and tradition: "traditionally acceptable/unacceptable" and "culturally acceptable/not acceptable". Thanks for your submission, Cinn4monSynonym! org/wiki/Imitation Accessed on May 28, 2007, Trade dress Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia http://en. As a result, their judgments were necessarily based on past experience and/or the appearance of the packaging. Tap here to review the details. .. suitcase full of shirts bearing labels and logos such as Lacoste or Puma, or a pushcart with athletic shoes bearing Adidas and Nike logos, chances are that these are not goods made by those manufacturers. 9-11. - SIDVIN S SHETTY. Although the 5 favors to call in when launching a business, Security manager working with and leading people, Poetics and the great greek tragedy: oedipus rex, Case analysis-strategic it transformation at accenture, Chapter 17 mutual funds and hedge funds essay, My marketing stronger and very soon. Depending on the niche you choose, it's a lot easier than you might think. On the other hand, if this benefits the majority of consumers by providing them with materially similar products for less money, the practice may be viewed as teleogically preferable (Bone and Corey, 1992, p.47). In contrast, the sample for Study 2 was drawn from one university campus. And they take action against those retailers the companies would loss the space on the shelf of the stores. The substitution of a typical name by the nonexclusive brand itself says about its accomplishment in the market. Homemakers tended to perceive brand imitation as being less ethical than those employed in other occupations. Since most imitations are priced lower than the original brands, consumers are willing to buy the lower priced imitation, which may offer greater value if the product is as good as the national brand it imitates. Because of this problem the manufactures are undergoing a tough situation which is affecting their brand name. This shows that most of the businessmen are quite greedy hence; do not adhere to contract law. The life of technologies has become so short. As Wells (1986) points out, "it is as important to sample products as it is to sample people" (p. 11). (1988), "An Examination of Marketing Ethics: Role of the Decision Maker, Consequences of the Decision, Management Position, and Sex of the Respondent," Journal of Macromarketing, Vol. Luxury Brand Imitation Brand imitation refers to copying attributes like design, logo, and shape of a renowned product. These dimensions are based on concepts developed in moral philosophy. These responsibilities of the marketer include: (1) to protect, (2) to fully inform, (3) to provide and allow choice, and (4) to listen (Reidenbach and Robin, 1991). It was found that a number of factors may contribute to how a consumer makes ethical judgments: (1) whether or not the buyer or the seller is at fault; (2) whether or not the activity is perceived as illegal; (3) whether or not there is direct harm to the seller; (4) whether or not the consumer has a negative attitude towards business; and (5) whether or not the consumer equates unethical with illegal (Vitell and Muncy, 1992, p.596). How the brand imitation is affecting the branding companies: With the emerging trend of imitation, the branded companies are facing so many difficulties. These ethical questions may arise in the imitation of a competitor's product. Often consumers and businesses perceive actions taken in market transactions differently (Dornoff and Tankersley, 1975). The brand is known to offer jewellery that imitates higher fashion trends. Own-Label Brands: Trade dress refers to characteristics of the visual appearance of a product or its packaging that may be registered and protected from being used by competitors in the manner of a trademark. To protect the trade dress the companies should fulfill two basic requirements. Technology leapfrogging:. The mean for Study 2 was 3.60 with a standard deviation of 1.35. Females appeared to be the fairer sex in that they saw more moral inequity and less cultural acceptable behavior in brand imitation. They were also given ten statements pertaining to general opinions and attitudes (Vitell and Muncy, 1992). Bone and Corey (1992) examined ethical problems that may occur in packaging. The Medium of Imitation The three basic media which Aristotle recognizes are rhythm, language, and harmony. However, there was a large standard deviation in the responses to this question which they termed an "ethics gap", or a wide range of opinion, among practitioners. These included: "observing someone shoplifting and not saying anything about it"; "using a coupon for merchandise you did not buy"; and "returning merchandise after trying it and not liking it". For example, one product manager mentioned: The question of brand infringement due to similar packaging, graphics, or product claims. The products are easily selling in the market with the same name, logo etc. About one-third of respondents were interviewed on Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday; one-third were interviewed on Thursday or Friday; and one-third were interviewed on Saturday or Sunday. 8 No. These practitioners had diverse backgrounds in terms of education and experience and also worked in various industries. Epic Poetry. 3, 1984, pp.195-200. This study attempts to determine a baseline of consumers' opinions on brand imitation and to see if these opinions can be segmented based on demographics. This elaborate collaboration spawned an A-list air-safety video, featuring the most-loved stars of the films. The size of the imitator firm may have some effect on consumers' judgments of their actions. Another possibility is that consumers with lower incomes may be more brand loyal and rely more on national brands for choice. Ward, J., Loken, B., Ross, I., and Hasapopoulos, T. (1986), "The Influence of Physical Similarity on Generalization of Affect and Attribute Perceptions From National Brands to Private Label Brands", in AMA Educators' Proceedings, Vol. and Muncy, J. Product line decisions & Product Life Cycle, Prin. So the consumer can easily distinguish between innovator and imitator. As a new entrepreneur, content creator or simply an individual undergoing personal growth, understanding branding and how to do it well is one of the key ingredients for success. The location-specific decor displays bring a part of the citys unique culture into the store and the coffee and food samples make each trip a delicious adventure. But the consumers are not fully informed about the copies of the product easily available in the market at cheap prices. An Example, Model Xerox, which was at first a machine, is not a term utilized for photocopying. There are different types of brand imitation i. e. Counterfeits or product pirates, knockoffs or clones, design copies or trade dress, creative adaptations, technological leapfrogging, adaptation to another industry. The consumers are not fully informed or aware about the product. Primary imitation is of three kinds: (i) Sympathetic, (ii) Ideo-motor, and (iii) Delibrate. From doling out business cards to staging sit-down lunches with desired clients or leads, offline branding requires a mix of good design and outgoing spokespeople to represent your brand. That the brand is legally protected from imitation. This differs from a real purchase experience where consumers actually use the products and may base their judgments on the comparative quality of the products. One partnership is between two family-friendly, fun, red brands that fit into our perception of classic Americana. 5. The respondents were shown four product pairs to demonstrate the concept of brand imitation. wikipedia. If you provide a service, your branding will influence the way you interact with your customers. The New German Cinema can be characterized as the German national cinema as a result of its modernity of film making techniques which recognizes the audience as the main player in the way a film is made. This study may indicate if there is a difference in ethical judgments between genders given equivalent levels of education. However, they recognize that there are two perspectives to this issue. Best Value Artificial Christmas Tree. In both cases, females tended to be more critical of brand imitation than did males. A 33-item scale based on the five theories was developed and subsequently reduced into an eight-item scale. html Accessed on May 28, 2007, 20th Annual McMaster Business Conference - Wilke/Zaichkowsky http://mint. Unlike your brand, which is the personality consumers perceive your company to have, branding is the series of deliberate choices you make to communicate your brand to the world. Respondents of Study 2, which weighted a more educated population, viewed brand imitation as less of an unethical issue. Obstler is a fruit brandy produced in the Alpine regions of Austria, Switzerland, and Southern Germany. But insubstantial things are not easier to copy as compared to products. org/wiki/Trade_dress)Technologyleapfrogging: With the passage of time the technologies are becoming so fast that after every one or two week the new technologies are coming and the previous technologies are quickly fading away. essay, A strong brand and international track record, A Study of Brand Strategy for Supermarket Industry in Hong Kong, The Success of Adidas Olympic Games Brand Strategy, Knock-off Brand (Fake, Imitation) Products in Turkey http://turkeytravelplanner. The innovator innovate the product and then the imitators copied it and sell the product in the market with little modifications. Among the most popular synthetic simulants are rhinestone, cubic zirconia (CZ) , moissanite, white sapphire, spinel , rutile, strontium titanate, YAG (yttrium aluminium garnet) and GGG (gadolinium gallium garnet). Counterfeits or product pirates. It is possible that housewives are more aware of the existence of brand imitation and therefore see it as a greater problem when shopping. Learn more about Lindsay's writing services at. Designed to look and even . This corresponds to the occupation results of students and non-students. To be nonfunctional, it cannot affect a product's cost, quality, or a manufacturer's ability to effectively compete in a nonreputable way. designer brand imitation can be rigid and inflexible or made from soft and stretchy materials, depending on the needs of the user. Respondents of Study 2, which weighted a more educated population, viewed brand imitation as less of an unethical issue. I pasted a website that might be helpful to you: www.HelpWriting.net Good luck! When responses were analyzed by demographics, no differences were found across age categories (younger as well as older consumers had similar opinions), across education levels, or gender. (1992), "Consumer Ethics: An Empirical Investigation of Factors Influencing Ethical Judgments of the Final Consumer", Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. Fenby, J., Piracy and the Public, London: Frederick Muller Ltd., 1983. In addition, the multidimensionality of the scale can provide information as to why an action is felt to be unethical or ethical. and Gautschi, F.H. Let us help you get a good grade on your paper. This involves adding a value of service to the brand. Dependent Measures Ethical judgments of the respondents were measured by both Reidenbach and Robin's (1990) Multidimensional Ethics Scale (see Appendix) and four other ethical judgments. Get expert help in mere 10 minutes with: PhD Essay Business Corporations Brand Brand Imitation, Explore how the human body functions as one unit in harmony in order to life //= $post_title and Hunt, S.D. Vitell and Muncy (1992) conducted one of the few studies which consider the buyer-seller relationship. Think about Cardi B. In brand imitation, the matter has been mostly observed through observations or experiments. To be nonfunctional, it cannot affect a products cost, quality, or a manufacturers ability to effectively compete in a non reputable way. This academic paper shows the consumer preferences towards three brands of Cars (BMW, Mercedes-Benz and Hummer) based on brand personalities. A second study used a more educated sample of equal gender and found ethical judgments mainly differed between men and women. This imitation is playing with the branded companies and eating up their revenues. org/wiki/Imitation) Several theories were furnished by researchers that show that the imitation was also used in different cultures in the past few centuries. First, a single-item measure may be less reliable than multi-item measures. The results for the question that asked for direct ethical judgments were compared with the Bone and Corey (1992) results. 9, Summer, 1975, pp. The other is slightly more niche, somewhat more edgy and not at all concerned about not being #1. Did you know that we have over 70,000 essays on 3,000 topics in our The level of education of respondents is fairly high, and the more educated the respondent, the less likely he/she was to find a problem with brand imitation strategies. (http://en. Your branding can also extend to how you reach customers, like sending current and prospective buyers well-constructed lookbooks that use quality paper and binding. 12, Spring, pp. We've updated our privacy policy. Consumers who have a negative attitude towards business or those who perceive the practice of brand imitation as illegal may see this strategy as being more unethical. 12, Spring, pp. These results are summarized in Table 2. At first, it can feel kind of strange to think of a person as having a brand. THE DIMENSION OF ETHICS The measurement of ethical judgments is a difficult task. At first glance, the dim forecasts which surrounded the merger of adidas and Reebok seem to have come true. If consumers perceive brand imitation negatively, and perceive those who practice this strategy to be unethical, firms may be discouraged from using imitation as it might reflect negatively on their corporate image and profits. They are buying the similar product with the perception in a mind that its a same brand or product from original company. A test of the sample mean (3.6) against the hypothesized mean (4.0) indicated no differences. Consumers were shown product pairs that were similar in appearance and asked to make ethical judgments of brand imitation. This covers a wide range of consumer items, from outright fakes in the sense that they are non-functional look-alikes. As a result, they might feel the issue has little relevance for them personally and therefore are less critical. The imitator would thereby provide increased perceived value relative to the original brand. Brand Imitation is the counterfeiting of products or services. Teleological theories are primarily concerned with the outcome of actions and whether the consequences are "good" (Bone and Corey, 1992). It also imitates the technologies, clothing, trademarks, automobiles etc. However, when occupation was examined, housewives again consistently thought brand imitation was more unethical than any other group and were more supportive of legal action, regardless of the size of the company. This may be the result of situational and environmental influences such as personal experience, organizational norms, industry norms, cultural norms, anticipated economic effects of a particular decision, organizational expectations, effect on stakeholders, individual ethical standards, organizational ethics, and professional ethics (Bone and Corey, 1992). 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